Bande-Annonce PC

Les Italiens de Untold Games ont dévoilé Loading Human, un jeu pour Oculus Rift et pad motion-sensor. Décrit comme une recontre entre Monkey Island et Eternal Sunshine, ce jeu d'aventure met le joueur dans le corps d'André Gibson, un écrivain qui doit revivre ses souvenirs afin d'être transféré dans le corps d'un robot et pouvoir enfin retrouvé sa femme. Prévu pour cette année.

Loading Human – The Interactive Adventure Game Evolved

“The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets Monkey Island in virtual reality”– Untold Games announces Oculus Rift-compatible virtual reality adventure game

27 January 2014 – Rome, Italy/… Today, Untold Games announced Loading Human – a Virtual Reality adventure game powered by groundbreaking controls and set in a thrilling sci-fi world. In Loading Human, players take on the role of André Gibson, a writer who is forced to relive his memories in order to be successfully transferred into a robot body and reunite with his beloved wife, Michelle.

With a high concept of “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets Monkey Island in virtual reality”, Loading Human is the evolution of the classic ‘point ‘n click’ adventure videogame, utilising the recent advancements in VR technology to provide an unprecedented level of immersion. Untold Games has released a gameplay trailer that demonstrates how Loading Human revolutionises the adventure game genre using the latest VR and motion sensor controllers.

Loading Human has been developed to support the latest VR technology like the forthcoming Oculus Rift™ headset, and motion-based controllers like Sixense STEM™ and Razer Hydra™, which will simulate the player’s hand movements. The player will naturally interact with the world: pick-up objects, open them or use them just like they would in real life. Whilst experiencing Loading Human, players will hear André's thoughts, control his body with their own, and live his life while the story unravels itself around them.

The original idea for Loading Human came from Italian actor and filmmaker Flavio Parenti (I Am Love, Le Ombre Rosse, and Woody Allen’s To Rome With Love), who became fascinated by Oculus Rift™ and the latest motion-control technology, seeing their potential to provide new levels of interactive immersion for a wider gaming audience. Parenti collaborated with Untold Games and a screenwriter colleague to evolve the Loading Human concept into the game revealed today.

Flavio Parenti, Game Designer and Art Director said:

“The advances in VR and motion-sensor technology have allowed us to create a new level of immersion with Loading Human, and we are excited to provide a glimpse of what awaits players when they experience life through André Gibson’s eyes, hands and movements.”

Loading Human will be released for Windows and Mac OS later this year. As well as the Oculus Rift™ headset, Loading Human will also be playable with a standard monitor and a supported motion-based controller.


  • Loading Human, nouveau jeu Oculus - Images
  • Loading Human, nouveau jeu Oculus - Images
  • Loading Human, nouveau jeu Oculus - Images
A propos du jeu
Edité par
Untold Games
Developpé par
Untold Games

135 $ de 400 $ par mois

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