Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

Those who pre-order L.A. Noire will have some bonus stuff such as The Naked City case which is trailered here. This mission will be available if you pre-order the game at GameStop (US) or Game (UK). A marketing method that not everyone enjoy.


  • L.A. Noire's bonus case trailer - Poster
Commented on 2011-03-03 18:34:46
such utter bullshit that a high majority of those supporting these devs wont even get to play what they're promoting right now. Hate these store specific reward schemes.. especially when it involves extended gameplay content, and not simply different skins/weapons.

All this shit does is 1)punish us if we buy the game else where. 2) make's sure we know that contents been ripped out of the game to support these promotions that not all of us can benefit from unless we pay the extra dlc charge later on.

Its a pitty, as this is my most wanted game this year.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 18:36:42
It's just a side quest, right? Kinda like that Heavy Rain DLC.

My problem is, pre-order DLC is not well-timed. I would personally like to go into DLC after I've finished the game, and am thirsting for more. Alan Wake timed their DLC well. So that people wouldn't trade the game in to wait for the DLC.

Really, the existence of DLC is so people don't rent the game, trade it in or pirate it. Pre-order DLC doesn't really help the game's life cycle.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 18:47:21
Alan wake's dlc wasnt store specific..the first one came free with every new copy - a much more ideal way to get first hand sales rather than people buying preowned.

With this its not even one quest ripped from the game to support a promotion.. its various quests..i think atleast 3 chains are offering different missions for their preorders. Thats a possibility of 3hrs+ extra gameplay that should of been in the game day1...and had this been last gen then it would of. That knowledge annoys me.

And all this bullshit of content being locked from the start (BC2), Day 1 dlc, and store specific promotions.. it doesnt tempt me to purchase my games on day of release. Maybe i'm strange
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Commented on 2011-03-03 18:52:15
Whoah, how'd I triple post WTFLOL Can some mod delete the duplicate posts?
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Commented on 2011-03-03 19:15:32
I really hope that all these "side cases" can be bought at least shortly after launch, and that they will offer value for the money.

If they do it right, then it will be like buying a new episode of CSI. :D
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Commented on 2011-03-03 19:20:37
After GTA 4 and RDR i'm pretty sure i'd be bored to tears before wanting any dlc. Can't get excited for a R* game anymore. Superb facial capture tech in this though so i'll no doubt at least give it a quick look.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 19:21:56
Shouldn't this kind of crap be viewed as anti-competitive and blatant attempts to monopolize the retail market?
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Commented on 2011-03-03 19:50:02 In reply to Utopiate
Posted by digi_matrix
It's just a side quest, right? Kinda like that Heavy Rain DLC.

My problem is, pre-order DLC is not well-timed. I would personally like to go into DLC after I've finished the game, and am thirsting for more. Alan Wake timed their DLC well. So that people wouldn't trade the game in to wait for the DLC.

Really, the existence of DLC is so people don't rent the game, trade it in or pirate it. Pre-order DLC doesn't really help the game's life cycle.
No but it supposedly fuels pre-orders, which for some reason, is all publishers give a fuck about.
Posted by Utopiate
Shouldn't this kind of crap be viewed as anti-competitive and blatant attempts to monopolize the retail market?
Yeah, that's exactly what it is, because it is always Gamestop getting the best shit. That's why Amazon has to resort to such crazy measures to get people to pre-order. It's disgusting. Pre-orders should just get you early access, maybe some bonus making-of content. Not in game benefits, and the LAST thing you should get is DLC, EVEN if it's available later on down the road for free.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 20:07:33
I must agree that i don't like this trend but these are their games and so they can sell it how they like. It is also your money to spend how you like. If the dlc is a portion of the game i would miss out on (not just a weapon etc) and therefore can't get the full experience from the place i regularly shop then i don't buy it new. I can then play a slimmed down version for less than half the retail price in a few weeks. It isn't logical what they do, and my brain sometimes works logically, and won't be manipulated by BS.

Its like, if each retailer has a different part of the game then there is no way to buy the full game. Games cost a decent wedge of money so you want the full game. It is happening more often and results in me cancelling my original pre order. The worrying issue really is that they have no way to effectively monitor the result of all these whacky schemes and scams so they all think they are quite clever and pat each other on the back i expect. Gamers grew this industry to the collosal size it now is and we shouldn't be rewarded with things like this.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 20:16:52
So let me get this straight, only the UK and the US get that extra mission but they pay nothing more? That's like spitting in the face of everybody else who does not live inside the US or the UK.. As if we aren't important enough.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 20:39:41 In reply to digi_matrix
Posted by digi_matrix
It's just a side quest, right? Kinda like that Heavy Rain DLC.
Well, the difference here is that this is store exclusive. Heavy Rain's DLC applied to a pre-order from your retailer of choice. Sadly, this is tied to one of the worst video game retailers in the US (gamestop) and that disappoints me.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 20:52:36
This stuff is really annoying. Although Rockstar have confirmed that this content will be available later.

Still this game should be awesome.
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Commented on 2011-03-03 23:47:08
couldn't care less, no company is stupid enough to provide an exclusive bit of a game that would hinder the overall experience. Who cares if they keep one raisin from a scone.
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Commented on 2011-03-04 01:55:33 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
Alan wake's dlc wasnt store specific..the first one came free with every new copy - a much more ideal way to get first hand sales rather than people buying preowned.

With this its not even one quest ripped from the game to support a promotion.. its various quests..i think atleast 3 chains are offering different missions for their preorders. Thats a possibility of 3hrs+ extra gameplay that should of been in the game day1...and had this been last gen then it would of. That knowledge annoys me.

And all this bullshit of content being locked from the start (BC2), Day 1 dlc, and store specific promotions.. it doesnt tempt me to purchase my games on day of release. Maybe i'm strange
Alan Wake was also a poorly selling mediocre game with no online play on a console whose audience are famous for criticism of games with no online mode. Thats why the DLC was free not because of the kindness of Bill Gates heart.
As for the DLC its unfortunate because it is you the gamer who asks for this and demands this of everygame specially since they have online services so it just gives developers the excuse to do the DLC.
The other problem is the pirates and hacker causing game devs to do this as a way to guarrantee that the game is not going to be backed up illegally since you have to log on to XBL and PSN.
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Commented on 2011-03-04 11:59:43
I'm pretty sure you just pointed out the good points of DLC!
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Commented on 2011-03-04 14:18:01 In reply to Akumajo
Posted by Akumajo
Alan Wake was also a poorly selling mediocre game with no online play on a console whose audience are famous for criticism of games with no online mode. Thats why the DLC was free not because of the kindness of Bill Gates heart.
the only flaw in that argument i can see is that the dlc came free with the game from the start... not after "poor" sales were judged. Infact it was only chapter that was free..not the second released months after (when sales had been accounted for). The reason why they offered the first chapter dlc free from the start was to make it more attractive to buy new..rather than preowned. Its why EA also do their "project $10" scheme.

As for it being a "mediocre" game. I personally thought it was one of the best engrossing games i played last year.

360 audience famouse for criticism of games with no online??
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Commented on 2011-03-04 22:47:49
Not just available in UK/US

"Unique in-game material (downloadable):
'The Naked City' Vice Case:
In this case the bonus from LA Noire's vice Desk, Detective Cole Phelps Investigate the Supposed Suicide of a stunning fashion model. Can you help Cole unravel the truth in a city blighted by drugs, corruption and greed, Where The death of a beautiful woman is never as straightforward as it Seams?

The Badge Pursuit Challenge
Hidden around LA Noire's beautiful recreation of 1947 Los Angeles ARE 20 police badges to find and collect. If you can find all 20 of These badges, the dapper suit Button It Will Be unlocked Which Provides extra ammo for all weapons. Each badge also "Provides Additional 5 XP Which Will Further help unlock Intuition Points - Special credits That Can Be Used To give Phelps a key Investigative insight-when you need it most."

Problem is here it costs £58 so I'm just as well off to get the same version for £40 and pay the £3 delivery charge.
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About the game
Published by
Rockstar Games
Developed by
Team Bondi

$135 of $400 per month

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