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Electronic Arts has put online three new screenshots of Battlefield 4 and announced that the game will be available on October 29, next-gen versions will hit later. The publisher also revealed the China Rising expansion pack, free if you pre-order the game. It will contain 4 new maps, new vehicles and high tech gear.


  • Battlefield 4 new screens and date - Screenshots
  • Battlefield 4 new screens and date - Screenshots
  • Battlefield 4 new screens and date - Screenshots

China Rising Key Art

  • Battlefield 4 new screens and date - China Rising Key Art
Commented on 2013-05-22 00:55:37
Boy that last one's a wallpaper.
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Commented on 2013-05-22 01:00:31
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
crappy looking game.
Commented on 2013-05-22 01:03:45
Now THIS is a next gen shooter that pushes the standards of visuals. They both straddle generations, but at least this manages to look phenomenal. COD? Notsomuch
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Commented on 2013-05-22 01:14:30 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
... COD? Notsomuch
But the Dogs!! LOL - just think of the DLC packs you will get ... Poop DLC - make your dog poop - destract enemies :D jk

and then there are those dirty finger nails on that cod rendered hand they showed at the reveal ... just imagine :D
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Commented on 2013-05-22 01:24:16
Haha, yeah, to think they were going on about dirty finger nails as if it were a hot shit next gen, never before seen tech. That COD feature was equally as pathetic as it was cringeworthy.

This on the otherhand is boasting incredible player models with dynamic cloth simulation on their gear, amazing lighting and explosions, destruction, massive environments...and on and on. COD isn't even hitting FB1 standards, and that's fucking sad.
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Commented on 2013-05-22 01:27:09 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Haha, yeah, to think they were going on about dirty finger nails as if it were a hot shit next gen, never before seen tech. That COD feature was equally as pathetic as it was cringeworthy.

you do know i'm taking a piss in the wind as they say right? :D
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Commented on 2013-05-22 01:50:40
Do I get to knife a rat in a QTE again?
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2013-05-22 01:51:52
hey DICE thank you for making an actual next gen looking game
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Commented on 2013-05-22 02:04:15
Uh oh, looks like DICE is taking the thunder out of IW's Call of Duty images... just look at the timing of release.
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Commented on 2013-05-22 02:15:59 In reply to deafwing
Posted by deafwing
you do know i'm taking a piss in the wind as they say right? :D
Yes, of course. I was QFT or whatever the fuck that acronym is. They were actually talking about dirty finger nails like it was hot shit, mind. :)
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Commented on 2013-05-22 02:31:54
Cant wait to see what it looks like on the next gen consoles.
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Commented on 2013-05-22 03:55:39 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
Now THIS is a next gen shooter that pushes the standards of visuals. They both straddle generations, but at least this manages to look phenomenal. COD? Notsomuch
Oh c'mon now give IW some credit. They have underwater machine guns and dog armor for christ sake. Seriously, this blows away COD and is (hopefully) a much more open, larger scale game as well. I'm still hoping that this is the generation that COD adds physics to their games, but I'm not holding my breath...
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Commented on 2013-05-22 05:13:35
I did really enjoy BF3 on Xbox 360, but the lobby system sucks in BF games. COD has much better lobby/game systems. I'll be interested to see if EA improves the lobbies for BF4. I'll end up getting both games probably. But I'm actually more excited for BF4, and that is totally based on BF4 appearing to want to take the crown from COD. COD seems to just be going through the motions. The visuals on BF4 are what I'd expect for next gen.
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Commented on 2013-05-22 06:39:35 In reply to RagedSlayer
Posted by RagedSlayer
Boy that last one's a wallpaper.
It's also a rip-off of a shot from Platoon of Manny standing against the tree when they're searching bunkers for intel.

As far as BF4 goes. Meh. They killed it with 3 as far as I'm concerned. I've no interest in how pretty a game looks if it isn't balanced or is sold in slices (as this is sure to be). They might as well be Madden at this point.

<enter grift retort>
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Commented on 2013-05-22 07:20:27
This image is ea Policy against activision after cod show.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-05-22 07:55:16
These images arent good looking tbh (I assume its current gen versions?).

Also, COD will run at 60fps consoles, BF4 if COD had BF graphics it would lose one thing COD always had and thats silky smooth high framerate.

I want these type of graphics on next gen consoles for BF4
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Commented on 2013-05-22 10:46:30
@Sath isn't this console screenies?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-05-22 11:22:43 In reply to aphex187
Posted by aphex187
@Sath isn't this console screenies?
Yes obviously, but which one, next gen or current?
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Commented on 2013-05-22 12:50:03
The map expansions for BF3 did improve the game drastically, though. Hopefully more of the same kind of things from the DLC makes it into the vanilla of this game instead of vanilla BF3, which was the equivalent of being thirsty, sticking a bottle of Coke in the fridge for ages, opening it up, and finding out that it's got no fizz to it.
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Commented on 2013-05-22 15:17:50 In reply to anm8rjp
Posted by anm8rjp
I did really enjoy BF3 on Xbox 360, but the lobby system sucks in BF games. COD has much better lobby/game systems.
It's called a server. The only thing that sucks about them is DICEs shortsightedness in terms of their customizability e.g. 10 million ticket servers with instant vehicle spawns.

The criticism BF3 gets is ridiculous. There is enough wrong with the game, but it sure isn't the fact that they have dedicated servers, map packs that add a lot of value over the year or supposed imbalances (coming from people who liked BC2, with MG3s raping faces and hilariously overpowered snipers).
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Commented on 2013-05-22 16:00:30 In reply to Viginti_Tres
Posted by MrWhite
Yes, of course. I was QFT or whatever the fuck that acronym is. They were actually talking about dirty finger nails like it was hot shit, mind. :)
: D over at the Polygon + Verge stream we were joking that the Dog DLC would have a Poop update that would dirty those dirty fingers even more.

Imagine having to pick up poop so you don't get discovered during a stealth missions - the other argument though is that - "who the hell brings a dog along with them during a gun fight?" ??
Posted by anm8rjp
I did really enjoy BF3 on Xbox 360, but the lobby system sucks in BF games. ...
Great point. You know what I'm shocked about is how gamers are going nuts about the TV thing. That's the least of their problems! We should be calling MS and $ony for not giving us a promise that things like that would not be a problem anymore.
Posted by MrWhite
The map expansions for BF3 did improve the game drastically, though...
Two words - Ziba Tower all day long. Okay that's like 5 :D.
Posted by Viginti_Tres
...The only thing that sucks about them is DICEs shortsightedness in terms of their customizability e.g. 10 million ticket servers with instant vehicle spawns...
... and the fact that they try to maintain one game across three platforms, three unique architectures etc etc
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-05-22 16:47:40 In reply to Viginti_Tres
Posted by Viginti_Tres
It's called a server. The only thing that sucks about them is DICEs shortsightedness in terms of their customizability e.g. 10 million ticket servers with instant vehicle spawns.

The criticism BF3 gets is ridiculous. There is enough wrong with the game, but it sure isn't the fact that they have dedicated servers, map packs that add a lot of value over the year or supposed imbalances (coming from people who liked BC2, with MG3s raping faces and hilariously overpowered snipers).
Yes. You seem to be one of the few people who actually realizes what this does. Breaks map balance 99% of the time. It's an awful setting for (bad) impatient players.

Which is most of the population of any game unfortunately.
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Commented on 2013-05-22 17:03:40
just pre-ordered for PS4. i do hope it makes it for launch.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-05-22 17:15:02
Since the PS4 version hasn't even been announced yet, I wouldn't make any assumptions. But the next gen version of BF4 will be out on October 29th anyway ;)
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Commented on 2013-05-22 17:24:27 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Since the PS4 version hasn't even been announced yet, I wouldn't make any assumptions. But the next gen version of BF4 will be out on October 29th anyway ;)
it has been announced. along with the Xbone version. they're coming later, obviously, since the rumoured release for both systems seems to be november.
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About the game
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EA Games
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$135 of $400 per month

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