Video Xbox 360 PS3

Sony's media briefing was the occasion to present the first ever seen gameplay of Assassin's Creed 2. Available in a nasty low definition file, it's now back in a mighty HD screener. The art direction of Ubisoft's new game is amazingly beautiful, and the gameplay seems to offer some great new stuff. We can only show you the first part of the gameplay yet, but keep posted, the second part is coming up very soon !
Update: Second part now online.

Commented on 2009-06-03 06:15:22
Unbelievable looking game :)
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Commented on 2009-06-03 08:22:03
Yeah, they've got a lot of effects going all at once, hopefully they've mixed up the mission structure this time, also, it needs the ability to go back and playthe different assassinations individually, or at least have multiple saves.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 08:38:28
The video player isn't working for me. Just says there is an error. :(
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Commented on 2009-06-03 08:59:41
streaming is down
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Commented on 2009-06-03 09:00:57
I was blown away graphically. The double kill and the glider stunned me as well but after that, it looks like the same boring game is hiding underneath he sugar coating. I need to see more, a LOT more.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 09:17:58
I'm so going to pre-order this one.

I've got fate in ubisoft, and think they have learned a lot from the first game.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 14:44:12
graphics look wicked, but did they fix the gameplay, i got so bored with the first game i can't bring my self to play it again to go through and finish the secondary achievements.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 14:56:05
I never played the first game. Is it really that bad?
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-06-03 15:01:52
Same side missions over and over again.

You meet another assassin in random places and they talk to you in a few minutes to bore you to death and this is what you have to do.

Steal this and that get your info.
Kill templar and get your info.
Collect flags in a time get your info.
Easedrop (whatever its called) get your info.
Stalk someone to a corner, beat them, get your info.

Thats all it had before killing your target, was sooo boring.

For me, AC is about the story, mood and atmosphere, and AC2 seems to have that.
I don't think I will buy this game, but I will for sure check some walkthroughs to get to know the story.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 15:37:19
Thanks Sath, sounds crap.

That's £10 saved! (Special offer on Steam).
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Commented on 2009-06-03 15:47:46
Hot damn. I really can't decide whether this is the best looking console game I've ever seen -- it's certainly a contender, considering that it's essentially a sandbox game.

It's stunning either way, and I actually believe that it will be a great game. Ubisoft (quite rightly) received a lot of criticism for the lack of variety in terms of missions/assignments that had to be carried out, so they're well aware of how important it'll be to fix that. Like I said in another thread, I'd find it hard to believe that Ubisoft wouldn't address the issue that severely held the first game back.

You can already see hints of them trying to solve the issue in question, just from this short piece of footage. There'll be 30 weapons in the game, which is a significantly larger amount compared to the first game. Furthermore, there appears to be more assassination methods and some very cool gameplay mechanics implemented. So, gameplay wise, this stands every chance of being more varied than its predecessor.

Now, we know next to nothing about the mission structure, which is just as vital to maintaining variation as the gameplay itself. Please Ubisoft, none of this 'pickpocket, stalk, steal' loop that made the first game incredibly boring. Personally, I'd like to be given a degree of freedom with regards to the assassinations; it'd be cool just to plan our own route and plot how we're going to take out each target. That in itself would make each assassination kill a different experience.

Anyway, this game has fantastic potential; arguably more potential than any other game coming out this year or next. The problem is that the first game also had bags of potential, but fell way short of greatness.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 16:36:24
I actually greatly enjoyed the first game despite its limitations. Climbing around never seemed to get old. The complaints were valid though and there is tons of room for improvement so I'm looking forward to AC2.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 17:17:06 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Same side missions over and over again.

You meet another assassin in random places and they talk to you in a few minutes to bore you to death and this is what you have to do.

Steal this and that get your info.
Kill templar and get your info.
Collect flags in a time get your info.
Easedrop (whatever its called) get your info.
Stalk someone to a corner, beat them, get your info.

Thats all it had before killing your target, was sooo boring.

For me, AC is about the story, mood and atmosphere, and AC2 seems to have that.
I don't think I will buy this game, but I will for sure check some walkthroughs to get to know the story.
Pretty much nailed it, except I hated the story too. It would've been far better just being set in the medieval times, that whole sci-fi element is cheesy as hell. It's a real shame cause it was a beautiful looking game.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 17:21:54
This game is going to be awesome. The first one was an eye opener to next gen games IMOP. I see they have learned some more tricks graphically and game play wise for the better. I just want to see if they being back that time wasting flag finding achievement. I'm sure they will. I just hope they are being truthful about not being repetitive.

Anyhow don't they have one more Assassin's Creed to go in this trilogy?
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Commented on 2009-06-03 17:44:04
Simply the best game of the year and highlight of E3.

Yes even better than U2 for me.
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Commented on 2009-06-03 19:02:41
Absolutely stunning graphics. Quite an upgrade from AC1. Also, the double-blade, being able to take your enemy's weapon and the smoke screen (hopefully there are other diversions) are just awesome.

The first game was very play through. It is interesting to see how critical gamers have become..
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Ubisoft Montreal

$135 of $400 per month

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