Video Xbox 360 PS3

Capcom has released these new images of Dark Void just in time for our gameplay video from Cologne to be ready.

18 images

  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
  • Dark Void images & exclusive gameplay footage - 18 images
Commented on 2009-08-24 15:08:10
Maybe it's just me but does it seem like characters with helmet masks are becoming more popular after the success of Dead Space?
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Commented on 2009-08-24 15:11:08 In reply to broman
Posted by broman
Maybe it's just me but does it seem like characters with helmet masks are becoming more popular after the success of Dead Space?
This game was revealed before Dead Space.
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Commented on 2009-08-24 15:33:18
Also, any eighties/early ninties movie fans might recognise The Rocketeer.
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Commented on 2009-08-24 16:03:31 In reply to squarejawhero
Posted by squarejawhero
Also, any eighties/early ninties movie fans might recognise The Rocketeer.
Which was of course based on the post WW2 pulp movies like King Of The Rocket Men
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Commented on 2009-08-24 20:16:09
those god rays look stunning, not too sure about the game though.
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Commented on 2009-08-24 20:30:42 In reply to teh_d00d
Posted by teh_d00d
those god rays look stunning, not too sure about the game though.
The game will be alright. Matter of fact, it'll be kickass, even. The devs at Airtight, have a long history of making AAA titles. Just because they are working at a new company (Capcom), under a new name, is not going to change that. They will deliver yet another AAA game experience like they always have.
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Commented on 2009-08-24 21:10:32
Gotta wonder how the main character keeps from burning his legs off with that rocket pack...
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Commented on 2009-08-24 23:12:16
Ummm... It could be interesting.
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Commented on 2009-08-24 23:18:19
can't possibly be any worse then bionic commando or lost planet 2. it's the only game from capcom i find even remotely interesting.
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Commented on 2009-08-25 03:19:39
looks great..i hope its not full of the standard "destroy turret" flying gameplay.. i hope those alien in robotic suit things also have jet packs and theres some good "dog fights" ahead.

And yeah, the practical part of me instantly thought "how the hell is he not burning his arms and legs off with that pack?"
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Commented on 2009-08-25 03:27:22
I agree with Korndog, can't be worse than Bionic Commando or Lost Planet 2. God damn those demos sucked ass. Played through Bionic Commando and regreted wasting those few hours of my life.

This looks like it has promise, I'm hoping for a Dead Space/Killzone2 type of quality here. Not a ground breaking game or anything, but just a well polished game that borrows the right ideas from the right games.
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Commented on 2009-08-25 06:45:41
it's a shame that it wont have multiplayer coming from the guys the developed one of my favorite online xbox games crimson skies.
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Commented on 2009-08-25 14:09:39
The mix of the Crimson Skies development team, Capcom's rich knowledge of arcade shooters, great visuals, and the B movie Rocket Man stylings make this look very interesting indeed.

Too bad it's been pushed to next year.
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Commented on 2009-08-25 16:09:37
Also, this game seems unusually gray. No deep blacks at all, just shades of light and dark gray. Seeems quite odd to me how a lot of games this gen either don't or can't use deep blacks.
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About the game
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